N. N.

  • group: Supercritical Water Gasification of Biomass
  • Institut fuer Katalyseforschung und -technologie (IKFT)
    Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
    76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen


Nikolaos Boukis is an expert in the field of supercritical water, corrosion and contact person for questions concerning the above mentioned topics and the fermentation of synthesis gases at high pressures.
Nikolaos Boukis studied chemistry at the University of Athens (NKUA) (1976-1981). He completed his doctorate at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg in the fields of radiochemistry and physical chemistry (1985), with the experimental part taking place at the Nuclear Research Centre Karlsruhe, Institute for Hot Chemistry (IHCh, today KIT - IKFT). After his doctorate, he was called up for military service. During this time, he researched camouflage colors at the Greek National Defense Research Center (ΚΕΕΘΑ, until 1987). Subsequently, he worked and researched in the field of spent nuclear fuel reprocessing at the former IHCh. Since 1992 he has been in charge of application-oriented work in the field of supercritical water (in particular reactor material corrosion and biomass gasification) and since 2016 also in the field of microbial fermentation of synthesis gases under high pressure. From 2010 to 2012, he headed the project office for the construction of bioliq® plant components for gasoline synthesis and gas purification. Since 2016, Nikolaos Boukis is also IKFT's radiation protection officer (SSB).

Research topics

  • Gasification of organic matter in supercritical water. Pilot plant VERENA.
  • Liquefaction of biomass in near-critical water.
  • Corrosion of metallic and ceramic reactor materials during oxidation and gasification of organic matter in supercritical water.
  • Fermentation of synthesis gas under high pressure.
  • Desorption behavior of iodine during the dissolution of spent nuclear fuels.
  • Reduction of technetium under the conditions of the PUREX process.
  • Extraction behavior of technetium from nitric and sulfuric acid solutions.
  • Remediation process for contaminated soils.


Most of the R&D work at KIT Campus North is financed by the Helmholz Association (HGF). In order to secure the application aspect of the R&D work, externally funded projects are carried out in cooperation with industry.

Projects financed by the EU or industry

  • "CatLiq" CHP Plant Based on Catalytic Liquid Conversion Process - EU
  • Upgrading of heavy oil with supercritical water. Test run for the CLC process evaluation. -  TotalFinaElf company, France
  • Laboratory Experiments for the Verification of the MicroRefinery hydrothermal Process. - MicroRefinery A/S, Denmark
  • “WINEGAS" Hydrogen rich fuel gas from supercritical water gasification of wine grape residues and greenhouse rest biomass. - EU
  • Corrosion test on three different materials. - SANDVIK company, Sweden
  • Corrosion tests on behalf of the Paul Scherrer Institute, Swiss
  • Corrosion resistance study of reactor materials in sub- and supercritical water containing inorganic salts. - WSSI, GE, USA
  • Hydrothermal gasification tests with a wastewater. - Bayer Technology Services, BTS, Germany
  • Feasibility of the hydrothermal gasification process as an energy recovery plant for distillation residues from glycerine production and advice on heat exchangers. - Kanzler Verfahrenstechnik, Austria
  • Gasification of Dutch sewage sludge in supercritical water. - STOWA, Netherlands
  • Consultancy Services. - Procede Biomass BV, Netherlands
  • Consulting material selection. - Valmet Technologies Oy company, Finland
  • Experimental study for the optimization of the hydrothermal gasification of beer grains for the purpose of generating electricity at the Paulaner brewery site, Paulaner, Germany

National Projects and Special Funding BMBF

  • “Kopernikus Phase I", P2X: Research, validation and implementation of "Power-to-X" concepts. - Subproject P2X-K0 (FC-B2/AP4), BMBF
  • “Kopernikus Phase II" P2X: Research, validation and implementation of "Power-to-X" concepts, AP2.2a: Biological conversion and application in the field of cosmetic care products
  • “VERENA" Construction of a biomass gasification plant under hydrothermal conditions, BMBF
  • “EtaMax" More biogas from low lignocellulosic waste and microalgae residues through combined bio/hydrothermal gasification. Subproject 4: Hydrothermal gasification of fermentation residues from biogas production, BMBF
  • “ReFuelNet" Network Renewable Fuels, BMBF
  • “PHYKON" Experimental study for the development of a prototype for the hydrothermal conversion (HK) of algal biomass to biogenic gas (H2 and CH4) coupled to a microalgae production plant for the recycling of nutrients and gases, FNR
  • “Biostrom" Gas production from biomass for energetic use, EnStBW
  • Gasification of green waste under hydrothermal conditions to produce a hydrogen-rich gas, UM-BW
  • The fuel cell challenge: "SOFC for regenerative fuels from hydrothermal gasification", BMBF
  • “EWI" Energy Storage and Hydrogen Initiative, HGF
  • Modern measurement and analysis techniques for the characterization of catalyst and material surfaces (REM-EDX), BMBF


Co-supervision of 9 doctoral thesis


google scholar https://scholar.google.no/scholar?as_vis=1&q=%22Nikolaos+Boukis%22&hl=de&as_sdt=0,5


In the field Applicant/owner/inventor enter: Nikolaos Boukis

Further commitment

Cooperation with the University of Thessaloniki (AUTh).

Other interests

Photography, microphotography