N. N.
- PhD Student
- group: Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass
Institut fuer Katalyseforschung und -technologie (IKFT)
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Personal details
Eugen Aschenbrenner studied chemical engineering and process engineering at HHN and KIT. Since 2019 he is a PhD student at the Institute for Catalysis Research and Technology in the Group for Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass. His research focus is the CFD/DEM simulation of fast pyrolysis in double screw reactors. The emphasis is on the investigation of the intraparticular processes in the biomass particles. The influence of particle shape and size on the mixture and pyrolysis will also be investigated. The two open source software packages OpenFOAM and LIGGGHTS will be used.
- Simulation of fast pyrolysis in an auger-reactor
- Investigation of the influence of intra-particular processes on the fast pyrolysis of biomass
- Analysis of the possibilities for modelling biomass particle properties and their effect on mixing behaviour and pyrolysis
- BRISK 2 (Biofuels research infrastructure), EU project, 15 partners, www.brisk2.eu, started in 2017